As we welcome a new year 2020 into our lives, it surely gives birth to millions if not hundreds of resolutions all over the globe. This is the first time we are entering a year that is out of its teen (2019) hood and now we embark upon a more mature year of 2020. Well the years that come by are not mature, it’s us who get mature as the years progress ahead in our lives.
Now what I don’t understand is why we wait for the New Year to start with a new resolution or start with a new change. Why not anytime of the year. Is the New Year going to change you as a person? Is the New Year going to make you a millionaire overnight? Is the New Year going to change your perception about life going forward? Definitely NOT. But for some reason there is a psychological thing attached to this New Year resolution concept wherein the whole feel of the environment around us is so different that it pushes us to do something new. There is some sort of excitement in the air that makes us believe we can change our daily routines, our health practices, our finances, our well being and most importantly our lives for good.
Make no mistakes, even though we are consuming that excitement of the New Year and pushing ourselves to expand our boundaries, we are still the same person who just came out of 2019 all tired and frustrated about a hundred things in our life. Just entering 2020 is not going to change anything unless you are ready and determined to make the difference in your life. It all depends on you and not the calendar year of 2020. I would like to share a few things that we can practice to make sure we are not going overboard with our resolution plans and are able to stick to them as planned.
• START NOW: The New Year is not going to change who you are. It doesn’t really matter if you wait for the New Year to begin with something new that is going to contribute in changing your life positively. You can start right away. There is no special date or time in the calendar that is going to give you that special boost. You need to do this on your own. So start early and start now.
• WEEKLY GOALS: When you think of a goal obviously you are not aware of the hardships and challenges that come along with the goal since you are doing this for the first time in your life. Hence, start small & go for weekly goals or even monthly goals once you pass the weekly goal test instead of yearly goals. That way you will be able to do things one at a time and also realize if that is what you wish to do for the rest of the year or not. This will help you to understand if the goal is achievable or not.
• HEALTH: Health is Wealth. Take care of your health. It does not matter what your New Year resolution is. If it’s not able to contribute to a healthy you, then none of it will matter in the longer run as at the end of the day there will be no YOU to enjoy the success and your accomplishments if any.
• TRACK PROGRESS: Do this every week. Track your accomplishments and failures. It’s absolutely critical to do this as it will show you the right path and give you an idea how to go about planning this resolution for the rest of the year. Keeping a tab of what you did yesterday and what you wish to accomplish today and where you want to see yourself tomorrow is critical.
Lastly, I would want to conclude stating that “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” It takes time to build a good habit but it doesn’t take much to quit a good habit. I hope this article helps you continue your New Year resolutions until the end of 2020. Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year and All the Best For Everything that you come across this new year.
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